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You just don't know where to start.


All the questions about what's best keep swimming in your head.


Let's chat.


Get all of those questions to stop swirling and figure out what's really the next best step for YOU.


The only thing you need to prepare before this call is knowing that I'll ask - What do YOU most need right now?


We'll start there and if I can help - I'll make an offer.


No high pressure sales (because yuck) just a chance to get clear on where you want to go next and if you want my help along the way.

Click here to schedule a Clarity Call.

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Relationship Coaching
(one or more persons)

It only takes one person in a relationship to be game changer. 


Whether you've come out to your partner or you just want to have more help around the house, I can help. 

You might find yourself struggling to identify what you want let alone communicate it to your partner.

You feeling like you're having the same conversations or arguments and nothing is getting resolved. 

You done trying to fix it on your own, ready to dig in and create the relationship of your dreams, I can help.

Click here to schedule a clarity consultation where we can chat about where your relationship is, where you want it to be, and how I can help you get there.



Fair Play Facilitation for

Fair Play is a system to help individuals, couples and co-habitators who want help balancing the workload at home.

If you've read Fair Play by Eve Rodsky but are struggling to implement it's teachings in your home, I can help. 

As a facilitator 
I provide you with accountability, support, customized exercises and activities, and ongoing practices to compliment your unique household dynamics and needs. 

Click here to schedule your Fair Play Facilitation Consult.

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